Site icon Reynolds Bickerstaff

Is your marketing plan going to kill you?

I was dreaming about my marketing plan for 2014 last night and woke up to a nightmare. I’ve committed to send 400+ pieces of direct mail each month. How many envelopes will I have to lick?(Yuck). Licking envelopes can kill you. Do you remember the Seinfeld episode when George Costanza’s finance’ died from licking the envelopes for their wedding invitations? Poor George. 

We all understand the importance of communicating to our database. Why do we neglect or ignore the importance of Direct Mail? Adding direct mail to your marketing plan is very easy to do. However, its also incredibly easy not to do. Direct mail campaigns are now orchestrated from digital print sites. Your company’s branded marketing material can be edited, printed and shipped directly to the recipient. I highly recommend the digital printing experts and Hobbs Herder


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