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What is Diversity?

The concept of Diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique and recognizing our individual differences. Until the 1990’s most of America was disconnected. But when Steve Case launched AOL, America got online and began making connections. Steve’s new book, The Third Wave, is part biography and part glimpse into the future.

3 Waves of the Internet:

  1. First Wave: 1985-1999 Building the internet. Laying the foundation for the online world. (AOL was the connection)
  2. Second Wave: 2000-2015 App economy & mobile revolution. Search, social & e-commerce startups grew on top of the internet. (Google, Facebook, Amazon)

  3. Third Wave: 2016-? Internet of everything. Ubiquitous connectivity allows entrepreneurs to transform major real-world sectors. (who??????)

We are experiencing Tectonic Shifts in our society. The Third Wave is building up speed and will revolutionize major sectors—healthcare, transportation, energy, food, education and the way we live.  Steve Case

What Does it Mean to be Diverse?

Diversity: (Merriam Webster) The quality or state of having many different forms, type, ideas, etc. The state of having people who are different races or who have different cultures in a group or organization.

This is the old definition of diversity. Because of the first 2 waves, we have been collecting massive amounts of data. Amazon recommends items for us to purchase, based on our past purchase/viewing history. LinkedIn suggest professionals to connect with. Online Dating. We can now explore our own unique interests online in literally every category imaginable. And we are now aware of each other’s own unique interests. But does this awareness make us diverse?

You’ll find various versions of this statement in short and long form on many University and College websites:

The concept of Diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique and recognizing our individual differences.

Generation Y & Z are the most diverse generations yet. They see everyone as a unique individual and they only want to be accepted & respected. This is what I believe Diversity means today.

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